What did he want to do for his birthday? Get a new Mario Galaxy game and spend literally all day playing it. SURPRISE!! So, that is what he did. He also asked for a telescope. He has been enamored with the solar system and galaxies and planets now for a while. He told me one night as he was looking out of his window at the moon that he likes to imagine there are other worlds behind the moon. He also keeps telling us he wants to learn everything. I do mean EVERYTHING. This kid has quite the imagination and asks some really interesting and difficult questions. Like for instance, he wonders where the exact location of heaven is. Is it in this galaxy or is it in another galaxy? Etc., etc.. He has a love of learning A LOT like his father.
The only problem with getting a telescope for his birthday is that there has not been a clear evening since his birthday! We have had no breaks from rain except two nights. Both of them were nights we got home late and didn't have time to look.
Rain, rain, rain, rain and rain. I know I live in Seattle but this is ridiculous. Since I have lived here (13 years) we have never experienced this kind of spring. Alex has had over 10 "rain-outs" in baseball this year. Every time they try to reschedule a game it has been rained out again, and again. It goes on and on. I've never had a spring like this and it's been really ick, for lack of a better word. And I don't even hate rain!
Anyway, back to Isaac. He is a real trip. He LOVES his primary teacher. He actually has a little crush on her, which I won't complain about because it makes him happy to go to church! She is a really good sport about it and tells us funny stories about him. Like, a couple of weeks ago, after the kids were settled down for class, Isaac said he had something he wanted to say. Apparently, the kids in his class have a habit of hiding from the teacher when she comes in under the tables and in the cupboards or behind the chairs. So Isaac stood up in front of the class and said, "When you guys hide, it's getting old." This is really Isaac. He does not like chaos or unrest and I think he wants the kids to "respect" his teacher, the love in his life. Martin and I were talking about this and thought it was so funny. Isaac is a very quiet kid and ignores a lot of stuff, but for him to bring this up was just awesome (and uncharacteristic)! We hope he doesn't become one of those weird kids that nobody likes....but he doesn't act like a know-it- all so I hope that doesn't happen.
Some of Isaac's favorite things:
1. Mario, Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Bros., and, well, pretty much any game with the name "Mario" in it.
2. Pizza. He eats nothing else. I'm serious about this....nothing.
3. Playing "World Championship Baseball" in the living room with Alex. This consists of hitting this mini ball with a mini bat and running the "bases" while knocking my pictures down and breaking them.
4. Playing "Avatar The Last Airbender" (wrestling) with Alex on the trampoline until they are both hurt/cut/bruised up and Isaac is crying. While they are wrestling we have to remind Isaac repeatedly that he has to scream and laugh more quietly because the neighbors complain. My Isaac is loud???? Oh, yes.
5. Watching Spongebob every morning.
6. Reading the scriptures. He recently got really upset because we weren't including him in scripture study with the older kids. He wants to read the real scriptures now. But he still wants us to read his Bible reader every night. So basically we have to read twice to him.
7. Playing his DS.
8. Laughing...he laughs all the time and it makes us all laugh when we hear it!
9. Making "movies" with his block.
10. Playing with his friends, Isak, Solomon and Miles as much as possible.
Isaac is my sunshine and my sweet boy. He makes me laugh daily. We love him more than any family could possibly love a son or brother!
Isaac is the cutest thing. He's growing up. I think it's great he wants to know everything. He sounds a lot like Jordan.
As for the rain, it's rained here way more than usual. Since we had a mild winter I'm okay with it, but I never did get to see Jordan in a track meet this year because his meets were always being rained out and they don't get rescheduled, so I hear you. Stinkin' rain.
Happy Birthday Isaac! What a cutie! I love that last picture, that is totally a mini-Harvey look... :) I can't wait for you guys to come down!
I Love being able to read up on you!! I'm so glad you are doing well!!!
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