Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Day of School (Yeah, I'm late. What of it?)

School has started and it's the first time in 13 years that I won't have a little one at home for any part of the day. This = extreme joy. Yes, it's cool but there's a part of me that misses having a little company during the day. The years that I spent with each one of the kids alone, one on one at times, are treasures in my memory, even if the little punks don't remember it!

Alex was oh, so happy to start school as an almighty 8th grader and to be at the top of the pecking order in Middle School. So far he LOVES school. He has always been great about getting himself up and out the door every day but this years seems to be even a bit easier for him. He says he has many friends in each class (for the first time) and has a bunch of buddies in his lunch group. He is getting great grades so far. All in all he is very happy. Look at this smile. It's true. However, he is decidedly against sharing with me whether there is any interest in friends of the opposite persuasion. I am always on the lookout, though and I'll keep you posted (oh, he's going to kill me for saying that).

Here's the girl in all her fashion-forward splendor. Let it be said that she HAD to have this hat to begin school. Annoyingly enough she has worn it twice: this day, and to the Miley Cyrus concert. Yep, that's Livi. She's all about style when she's making an entrance. After that, she couldn't care less and very seldom will she comb her hair or even put her clothes on unless I remind her. She is enjoying 5th grade more than anyone should legally be allowed, but what can I say? She's a brain like her dad and the social aspect of school is like air to her (where in the world did she get that?). Whenever I see her at school she is running to greet a friend she hasn't seen for like 5 minutes or yelling 'hello' to another friend across the playground. She is such fun. Her teacher told me the first day that everyone was waiting and asking, "Where's Olivia?"

Here she is posing at the bus stop with one of her bff's, Sofi, who lives across the street.

And last but not least...the Cuteness. He lost all his front teeth gnawing on some stiff french bread (his favorite). I really had a hard time sending this adorable kiddo to the 1st grade. He's the baby so that's my excuse. Martin almost had to intervene to get me off him so he could get on the bus. Isaac likes first grade well enough. I don't get much out of him except a "fine" or "good" when I ask him how school went that day. He has already lost his back pack, lunch box and 2 jackets somewhere at school. He can never really remember where, but I usually have to go in to school every few days to collect his things from the lost and found. The "lost and found" concept completely eludes him so I have to go find them for him. He is a crack up and so just "la-dee-da" about life. That's what I like about him, but it's also the thing that makes me consider taking up smoking weed to relax. The other day he had his best buddy, Solomon in the car and, while talking to Sol, he actually had to pause and ask "What's your name again?" This is especially strange because a) he sits by Sol on the bus every day, b) they have had several play dates over the past year, c) they were in the same class for a year and d) Sol is in our ward. Everyone in the car busted out laughing at that one. That's just Isaac.

Well, that catches everyone up on the goings on of the school year at present. I hope everyone is having a great year so far. I miss all you family members and friends and think about you often, especially now that I'm off Facebook. The upside of me being off FB is that I am a better mom and I am less distracted by and large. I wish I knew how to figure out how to control myself better and not have this "all or nothing" mentality, but for the moment it escapes me. So, you'll have to catch up here with us on the blog for now. Ciao!


Tonii said...

I LOVED your update!! Your kids are just too much, they are each so different and have their own fantastic personalities, I love them! I admire your quitting facebook, I probably should too, but then how would I make my vt appointments? :) Love you guys and hope to see you SOON!!

Anonymous said...

Cute!! I'm cracking up as I read about Isaac, especially his conversation with Sol. Hilarious. Your kids are adorable, glad they're having a good school year.

Jess said...

I have some FABULOUS cousins, I tell you. I'm so lucky. :)

Jordan and Alex, and Val and Livi are so much alike...I ask myself where's my other half? I will take Isaac. He is the funniest kid - and that story with him forgetting Sol's name is classic. I'm writing it down with my other Isy stories.

Amy Sorenson said...

Glad to see you have posted again. I finally got on facebook so I could talk with you and you're gone. Go figure. Your blogs are classic they make me laught everytime. I aspire to be just like you, Heath. Keep them coming.

Mindy said...

Your right Alex is going to have to "get you back" for that comment about girls - you probably "owe him a $100 dollars!" Love that story... anyways, glad your kids all like school. You wonder where Liv gets the social butterfly from? Not everyone in our family is "socially inward"!!! Besides look at Martin's family - they are all chatty Kathy's (I mean that in a good way!) - she comes by it rightfully! :) As for the whole facebook thing - it's called SELF CONTROL - exercise it! :) I'll see you on facebook soon.