Thursday, November 6, 2008

Flashback Friday (part III) Isaac's wish

It's Friday!! I'm a big fan of Fridays. I like them better even than Saturdays because on Fridays you have the weekend to look forward to. On Saturdays I'm usually bored because all the stuff I usually do on the weekdays, I reserve for weekdays. I refuse to do cleaning and a lot of laundry on weekends. The goal here is to enjoy my family a little bit more.

I have this thing in my brain that if there's work to be done I can't sit and watch TV or relax and read a book or do crafty things. I include exercise as work here. I think I inherited this from my mom, because that woman can rarely just sit and enjoy herself (she's got too much to get done). Sometimes I try to relax but I drive myself crazy until I get up and clean something or do some laundry or go to the gym. But Saturdays (Sundays too) I've trained myself to not do "work." I find I'm happier on days when I have work to do and I get that work done. I guess this is why I like Fridays.

Today I'm going to do a flashback of funny things the Cuteness has said this week. I don't want to forget them. This is quite possibly not a "true" flashback but I can't think of anything else, so let's just go with it.
Isaac has been learning a lot of things at school. I'm amazed at how much he is understanding. He is also becoming a lot more social and having a fun time with friends, when before I don't really think he knew there were other people in the room. It's all good fun.

The other night, I was putting him to bed and after he said his prayers he looked at me and said, "Wanna know what I wished for?" I didn't catch what he was saying because he says "wished" like "wooshed;" he always has. After figuring out what he was saying I realized he meant that when you say prayers you wish for things. I didn't know what to say, so I just went along and asked him what he "wooshed" for. He answered that he wanted everyone in Issaquah to go to Utah with him for Christmas! Wow, that's a lot of people--but he meant all of his friends. He is conflicted because he loves to got to Utah every year but he is going to miss his friends from school when he's gone. Too cute.

Isaac has NEVER really talked about going to Utah for Christmas. Honestly, I don't think he really ever realized what was happening until we actually got there. I have also never heard him say anything about living in Issaquah. This more engaged sense of where he is and what he is doing has developed a lot later than with my other two and it's cracking me up.

The rest of this week he has been driving Martin and I up the wall with asking us constantly when Christmas will be. I keep saying, "Oh, about 2 months," or "around 50 days," but he doesn't really understand weeks or days yet (or numbers for that matter). So we say, "In about 6 more churches," which is to say there will be 6 more times we go to church until Christmas. This seems to work and his face lightens up and he says, "Only six?"

I hope he isn't hoping Heavenly Father will come through and grant his wish. I tried to explain to him that it's good to wish for things but that sometimes those wishes don't come true. Especially if they're really big wishes that would be difficult to come true. I tried to tell him that didn't mean that Heavenly Father wasn't looking out for us. He said he understood but smiled. I think he secretly still thinks he might get his wish:). Such faith and innocence.
Oh, a friend of mine took this photo of him while he was at school and I love it. Thanks to Katie M..

1 comment:

staceygriff said...

such a cutie. what would I do if I didn't know cute Issac? He was so funny at the party yesterday. He got so excited to give Miles his present. He is a sweet, sweet boy. He will grow up to be a sweet, sweet man!